
Cover Image for Amazing Video of Unseen Ocean Creatures in the Ningaloo Canyons

Amazing Video of Unseen Ocean Creatures in the Ningaloo Canyons

The Schmidt Ocean Institute recently explored the Ningaloo Canyons on the western coast of Australia using a robotic underwater vehicle called the ROV Sebastian. Check out the amazing video of what they discovered in the deep parts of the Indian Ocean. More info: Youtube

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for These Pics Are Art and the Artists Are Insects

These Pics Are Art and the Artists Are Insects

Flying insects move so quickly that they are hard to follow, but new technology and some smart ideas have helped Spanish photographer Xavi Bou do just that. After spending 10 years focusing on birds in flight for his Ornithographies project, he turned his attention to insects. For Entomographies, he uses high-speed video footage taken by […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for Eagle and Fox in an Epic Midair Battle Over a Rabbit, Were Captured by a Photographer

Eagle and Fox in an Epic Midair Battle Over a Rabbit, Were Captured by a Photographer

Wildlife photography often depends on the perfect combination of good timing and the right place. That’s exactly what happened when Kevin Ebi, an experienced wildlife photographer, captured an incredible battle between a bald eagle and a red fox, both competing for a rabbit meal. In a detailed blog post, Ebi shares the fascinating series of […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for Firefighters Rescue Dog Stuck in Tire

Firefighters Rescue Dog Stuck in Tire

Certain jobs need bravery and determination. They’re not easy. Being a firefighter is one of those tough jobs. The Franklinville Volunteer Fire Company (FVFC) in New Jersey, along with the Franklin Township Police Department, worked together to save a dog in trouble. The dog, Daisy, got her head stuck in a tire at her home. […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for Cleanup Crew Member Finds Abandoned Puppy in Trash Can

Cleanup Crew Member Finds Abandoned Puppy in Trash Can

In a heartwarming rescue tale from St. Louis, the Stream Team of the Missouri Department of Conservation found something surprising during their cleanup in North County—a 12-week-old puppy left in a pile of trash. This story starts with a surprising meeting with a white dog named “Dude.” Even though he was in a tough situation, […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for Cat Rescued After Being Stuck in Car Engine

Cat Rescued After Being Stuck in Car Engine

Sometimes, animals get into tough spots, and kind people have to step in to help them out. That’s exactly what happened to a poor cat who got stuck in a unexpected place. Even though it was a tough job, a team of rescuers worked hard to free the cat, giving her another chance at life. […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for Abandoned Cat Finds Happiness in New Home Despite Being ‘Too Affectionate

Abandoned Cat Finds Happiness in New Home Despite Being ‘Too Affectionate

Jasper, a black and white cat with shiny green eyes and a loud purr, ended up at the shelter not because he did anything wrong, but because he was just too affectionate. His old owner, feeling overwhelmed by Jasper’s constant need for cuddles and attention, sadly gave him up. This left poor Jasper feeling sad […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for Blind Rescue Dog Excels at Fetch Despite Disability

Blind Rescue Dog Excels at Fetch Despite Disability

In the green neighborhoods of Austin, there’s a small poodle named Z showing everyone how to live life to the fullest. Tran Le brought Z into her home two years ago, adopting her from a nearby shelter. Even though Z’s eyes are cloudy because of cataracts and glaucoma, it doesn’t stop her from being lively. […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for Pit Bull Sees Foster Parents for First Time After Incredible Eye Surgery

Pit Bull Sees Foster Parents for First Time After Incredible Eye Surgery

In a touching twist, a pit bull named Hazel, who couldn’t see before, can now see her loving foster parents for the first time. This special moment has captured the hearts of many online, showing how there’s always hope and how strong the connection between people and their pets can be. Hazel’s journey started when […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for 13-year-old Boy Starts Dog Transport Service, Living His Dream Job

13-year-old Boy Starts Dog Transport Service, Living His Dream Job

While many 13-year-olds are focused on school and fun, Aleksander Slott from Byron Center, Michigan, is already living his dream job. This ambitious teen has turned his love for dogs into a successful business, all before starting high school. It began when Aleksander’s mom, Amy Oostveen, asked him a question: “If you could start any […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for Cat Protects Her Tiny Human Since Before Birth

Cat Protects Her Tiny Human Since Before Birth

Watch How Cat Protects Pregnant Owner’s Belly and Reacts When Baby Arrives! We all know pets can be incredibly loving and smart, just like in this touching story. Liel Ainmar Assayag adopted a cat from a shelter and named her Panda. Right away, Panda became attached to her new owner and never wanted to leave […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for The Purr-fectly Heartwarming Story Behind a Cat’s Gravestone

The Purr-fectly Heartwarming Story Behind a Cat’s Gravestone

At the Los Angeles Pet Memorial Park in Calabasas, California, you’ll discover the gravestone of Room 8, a cherished cat with an incredible story. While it might seem like just another marker, a closer look at the words etched into it reveals the remarkable journey of this furry friend. Back in 1952, a stray cat […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for Woman Heartbroken When Golden Retriever Disappears – Five Years Later, She Spots a Familiar Friend

Woman Heartbroken When Golden Retriever Disappears – Five Years Later, She Spots a Familiar Friend

For five years, Hannah Miller missed her golden retriever, Will, who had disappeared. She never forgot the day Will ran away—it was a time of worry and sadness that stayed with her. Hannah tried everything to find him, putting up flyers and checking shelters, but she couldn’t find him anywhere. As the years passed, Hannah’s […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for Overweight Shelter Cat ‘One Frosty Too Many’ Becomes Internet Sensation, Gets Adopted to Help Shed Pounds

Overweight Shelter Cat ‘One Frosty Too Many’ Becomes Internet Sensation, Gets Adopted to Help Shed Pounds

As people aim to stick to their New Year’s resolutions, losing weight is a popular goal that even extends to pets. Making waves on the internet lately is a chubby cat named One Frosty Too Many, or Frosty for short, who’s looking for a new home to help him slim down. Richmond Animal Care and […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for Rescue Saves Pitbull Covered in Green Paint, Giving Her a New Life

Rescue Saves Pitbull Covered in Green Paint, Giving Her a New Life

In a sad twist, people found a pitbull left alone and painted with dangerous green paint, making animal lovers upset and worried. But luckily, a team of rescuers acted fast, and now this tough dog has another shot at a happy life. The upsetting situation started when people passing by found a pitbull, now called […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for Buddhist Monk Spends His Life to Rescuing Many Stray Dogs

Buddhist Monk Spends His Life to Rescuing Many Stray Dogs

Showing amazing kindness and commitment, Zhi Xiang, a 51-year-old monk, has spent almost 30 years saving and looking after stray dogs. Since 1994, he’s been using his time and money to help these animals in need, and he’s managed to save a whopping 8,000 dogs. More than 27 years ago, Zhi Xiang’s journey to help […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for French Bulldog Taking Care of Baby Raccoons Like a Dad Making A Lovely Viral Video

French Bulldog Taking Care of Baby Raccoons Like a Dad Making A Lovely Viral Video

In a heartwarming surprise of different animals being friends, a French bulldog has become like a dad to a group of baby raccoons. Their cute moments together have made people all over the world feel happy. The sweet video, seen by many on social media, reveals the little raccoons seeing the bulldog as their new […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for A Worker Uses Crane To Save Dog Stranded In The River

A Worker Uses Crane To Save Dog Stranded In The River

Anyone who’s seen a crane before knows this was a remarkable rescue. One interesting aspect of our everyday lives is that we never know what kind of day it will be. It might be dull, like background noise from an engine. Other times, it could be full of surprises, like a whirlwind. And then, there […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for Nervous Pups Gather Close At The Shelter After The Owner Leaves Them Without A Word

Nervous Pups Gather Close At The Shelter After The Owner Leaves Them Without A Word

Pit bulls and their mixes are sometimes in the middle of arguments, called mean and tough by lots of people. Some pit bulls get a bad reputation because a few of them are trained to fight or protect aggressively, which makes everyone think all pit bulls are like that. But most of these dogs are […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen
Cover Image for Elephant Overwhelmed With Emotion When Enjoying Freedom After 85 Years In Chains

Elephant Overwhelmed With Emotion When Enjoying Freedom After 85 Years In Chains

Sombo is an elephant that endured 85 difficult years tied up in chains. Sombo’s transition from a hard life on the streets to a peaceful one shows how strong the spirit can be and how much compassion can change things. Sombo’s story starts when she’s older, showing how tough it is to live in captivity […]

Thao Nguyen
Thao Nguyen